
„The Tralfamadorian Perspective (PO)“

aus der Galerie von Ben Johansen
Über dieses Bild:

ballpointpen on paper


This is basically random stuff drawn at different times that filled the piece of paper. But after I read a book called Slaughterhouse 5, by Kurt Vonnegut. His aliens' perspective of time is in four dimensions. This means that they se everything as a big collage of memories, situations, thoughts, and can go into any time or place in history of the universe. Everything that will happen has happened. All that will be has been. And then I pulled 8 parts of this and scaled them up to A4 size. Then I mounted them in handmade wooden boxes from behind so that they appeared to be floating inside. When they where displayed the 9 boxes was connected on top of each other to form a square.

Bildnummer: 586a326
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