
„Lycian sunset“

aus der Galerie von Giuseppe Maria Galasso
Über dieses Bild:

Kaleköy is a village of the Demre district in the Antalya Province of Turkey, located between Ka? and Kale, on the Mediterranean coast. Kaleköy faces the island of Kekova, and can be reached by sea or on foot from Üça??z. All pre-Greek people of Anatolia built beautiful monumental tombs associated with some form of ancestor worship. The Lycians developed this form of art to perfection, no doubt facilitated by the soft limestone of the region. Today the entire landscape of Lycia is still dotted with their fascinating funerary monuments.
One thing that sets Lycian tombs apart from Hellenistic tradition is that whereas in Hellenistic culture the dead were placed outside of liveable areas (often flanking main roads into the cities), Lycian tombs are often integrated right into cities, displaying Lycia's ties with eastern traditions.

Bildnummer: c3c6533
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