

aus der Galerie von Otto Rapp
Über dieses Bild:

Bogomil Variations are a set of cooperative works by Artist Otto Rapp (Canada/Austria) and Artist/Photographer Michael Wolik (USA). Otto Rapp provided the original artworks, paintings and drawings, and Michael Wolik transformed them digitally into design variations. The process of taking a scan from an original traditional artwork and transforming it digitally, as opposed to producing a digital work from scratch, is that it retains all the textural qualities of the original, that is, brush strokes and marks, and pencil marks. The finished product retains that 'handmade' look of traditional art.

Bildnummer: d5d7311
Weitere Bilder des Künstlers
Emrakul Sh102721-good200dpi 53094034418-73b086359a-o-ps-upscale-150px Shepard-half-size Erostanatos-medium-size-7087px Decalcomaniac-colorfield-abstraction-without-number-003
Ähnliche Bilder
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